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Fundraiser for Youth Ministry at St. Mary Magdalen

In about a week, we will begin our journey along La Voie de Vezelay. We will not be walking the entire 900 km. route but plan to explore and walk many portions of the route as we make our way from the middle of France south to the Spanish border. We estimate that we will be walking approximately 150 miles during this month-long journey.

We would like to use this adventure as a fundraiser for the new youth ministry program at St. Mary Magdalen.  You can sponsor us for an amount per mile and name a maximum amount that you are willing to contribute. Our goal is to raise $5,000.

After we return in early October, we will let you know how many miles we walked and collect your tax deductible contributions. All checks should be made out directly to St. Mary Magdalen with an indication that the donation is for the "Vezelay Walk.".

Thanks to all of you who have already sponsored us!

Katie and Tim.

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