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Day 9

Off on the "sentier des artistes" this morning, which starts right outside our door and coincides with the Voie de Vezelay. Misty descent along the river with signposts of the artists and some of their works. After the rain last night, the fog was thick, but added to the charm of the route. Mist continued up the long connector route with quite a lot of traffic, and we were grateful--people pay a lot of money at fancy restaurants for that kind of mist😊. We extended our walk this way and achieved almost 7 miles!

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Sep 20, 2023

I am so blown away by how magnificent our adventure is turning out to be. You deserve only the best


Sep 15, 2023

Love this and your description. Other than vehicles it appears you are generally left to yourselves. I didn’t expect that. Did you?

Sep 17, 2023
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We have had the forest trails and back roads to ourselves.

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