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Day 23 Beauty and the Beasts

Some very pretty scenery after the cornfields this morning, and the temps were in the low 70's. Then a walk up a wet grassy path where we saw the dwellings of two enormous spiders. OK, I didn't get close enough to see the actual

beasts, but the webs were bigger than I've ever seen. Continued up and down the path towards Orthez, with views of the Pyrenees in the distance. We are definitely in the foothills. Orthez is a pretty city with the church of St Peter and the Old Bridge. A beastly walk back to the gite as the temps rose to the high 80's. We trudged through the gates after 9.1 miles and were very proud of ourselves.

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Sep 28, 2023

As well you should be. I know we all are. Keep on trudging. How I envy you

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