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Day 2

This one will cost you wonderful supporters a little more than yesterday--add 9.6 miles to the 1.5 on Day 1. Look at Tim's video for an overview, but here are a few of my photos. We left Vezelay early this morning to beat the heat, and had beautiful views on the descent to the village of St. Pere and the Cure river. Then a steep climb to another village, Tharoiseau. Saw some wild raspberries along the way. As we were resting from the climb, an older gentleman came to visit. He had some very interesting thoughts about creating a museum of the cold war. We exchanged email addresses. Then the descent to Fontette. A long walk around a farm to reach Asquins, but were disappointed that there was no place to grab some lunch. So a difficult, hot climb back to Vezelay, where a nice cold beer awaited. Great day!

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06 sept. 2023
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Thanks for filling in the details on your 10 mile trek today! Great pic of Dad with the grapes!

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