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Day 19

A driving day today--lucky to walk 4.7 miles, especially after a phenomenal lunch at a winery town totally unrelated to the Way. But as the day wore on, the weather got better, so when we arrived in Bergerac, it was perfect for a walk. Went first to the 19th century neo-Gothic cathedral close to our hotel. Stained glass windows were gorgeous--the best of the whole church. Then a stroll through the old town, a hello to Cyrano,

crossing the lovely Dordogne river and an easy amble upstream. We were on the Way, but had to backtrack

because we had run out of options to loop back to town. Made it to our hotel for a rest before Mass at the church of--guess who--Saint James, 12th-13th century.

Known because of the pilgrims who traveled through Bergerac on the Way to Compostela.

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2023년 9월 25일

Cyrano will always hold a special high-school-French-class place in my heart.

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