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Day 18 - The Amazing Race?

While Tim posted all the beauty of our walk today, I'll fill you in on a few "roadblocks" we had along the Way. After we found the trail markers for the Voie, we saw that the pedestrian bridge was under construction, so we continued on along a highway where there was a path, until there wasn't. Overgrown and waterlogged, it was a narrow passage, but we pressed on and found the Way again. A long uphill climb on asphalt (because we missed the trail signage to turn off), resulted in a connection to a super busy highway. Sign warning to stay left because of extreme danger, but there was really no pathway. Slip sliding in the mud, we found our way back to the correct path, and the fallen tree in the video. Whew! Then the cool self ferry across the lagoon, and an easy pathway back to the center, the fabulous Byzantine-style cathedral. We arrived--not first or last, but safe and sound. Overall, a fun walk, and to think there were our ancestors on the paths 400,000 years ago! I've always loved this region!

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Sep 26, 2023

We’re a pretty good team! He’s the brains and She’s the mover😊.


Sep 26, 2023

Absolutely exhilarating. You two are intrepid adventures. Has Tim been able to keep up??🤣


Sep 22, 2023

Wow, what a day - thanks for sharing all the excitement. Glad all ended well!

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