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Day 13

As Tim noted, it was a slow Sunday. We got an early start, but really didn't need to. Chalus was interesting with its two church ruins and the chateau partly restored. 12th and 13th centuries both. But the visit didn't take long, so then we were off to La Coquille, but were disappointed that the church was locked and nothing else open. Rural France on Sunday! Very quiet. Made our way to the gite and rested.

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Sep 21, 2023

I trust that felt good


Sep 18, 2023

Sometimes a slow day can be the best! It always makes me excited for things to happen....

We saw Julie, Dave and kids at the tailgate Saturday night...missed seeing you two, but know you're doing such wonderful things! Also, Tim, the garden is doing well. I went out with Tony yesterday to water. A peaceful start to our day!

Continued great travels--we all miss seeing you!

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