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Day 11

Leaving Crozant on the road to Limoges via two other stops on the Voie de Vezelay, we crossed into the Department of Vienne. This circuit would take pilgrims on foot three or four days, while we only walked 3.2 miles of it.

L'Abbaye de Benevent is a beautiful example of the Arabic influence in style due to the traffic from Spain on the Camino. Note the portal on the church with successive arches. Then on to Saint Leonard de Noblat, where the architectural style is quite different, especially in the lovely tower. Finally reached Limoges and walked to the Cathedral of St Etienne with its flamboyant gothic west portal.

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Abby Jane
Sep 16, 2023

Love following all this. The weather looks great too!


Sep 16, 2023

Thanks for shari g your trek. 3.2 miles was probably quite a lot.

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