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Day 10

Whew! These posts are by Katie, FYI, and Tim is trying to kill me! JK-but we did walk 9.8 miles today in some heavy traffic along some ho-hum roads. The highlights though are pretty great. La Souterraine cathedral of Notre Dame was the first most welcoming of Santiago pilgrims. The sign-in was honor system and there were welcome signs everywhere. Then we hiked out to Saint-Priest-la Feuille and found a tiny church with the same sort of welcome. A quick sandwich at the church entrance, a change of socks and on to the dolmen of La Folie (insanity). Legends are fun but

to think of this prehistoric stone monument is pretty mind-boggling. Then on the way back to La Souterraine we saw another one. Now back at our gite with a cold one.

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Sep 16, 2023

I just spent 3 minutes looking at that mural? (in the lower left corner of your picture collage) again & again…so beautiful!


Sep 15, 2023

Well, we now understand what the other pilgrims complain about when they are off the nice trails and on the departmental roads. It’s good to get that appreciation. Glad you liked the tromp-l’oeil.


Sep 15, 2023

Looks like it was worth the fight with traffic. More beautiful sites. Love the trompe l’oeil and also Tim’s hat!

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